She is Magic, Birmingham, UK
Boudoir photography is an experience that a woman takes, a personal trip about love and rediscovering her own beauty.

Just in case if you are looking for a reason to do a boudoir shoot:
🌷 It will give you more confidence.
There are many reasons why women want to do a boudoir photo shoot but what we hear most from our clients, is that the whole experience has given them a huge boost of confidence. Seeing yourself in a new light and from a new perspective is a way to give yourself a massive boost of self-esteem and confidence. We all have insecurities.
Boudoir photo shoot can be just the thing to remind you: you are beautiful just as you are.
When you look through your album, see yourself in print form hanging on your wall - confidence definitely comes from pushing yourself to the edge of your comfort zone and rocking your session!

💄 It's a great excuse to get pampered, and who doesn't love that?
When is the last time you sat down and had your hair and makeup done for you? There’s something special about dressing up and looking your best. It makes you feel spectacular: like you can take on the world. You’ll get to take your portraits with you, so you’ll be able to remember those incredible moments for years to come.

💋 You need a reason to wear that lingerie you’ve got sitting in a drawer.
Finally wear the lingerie that has been sitting your drawer with the tags still on them.

🌸 Help yourself heal.
You’re ready to feel like yourself again. We know that feeling. A bit out of touch with who you are, who you were, who you want to be. A boudoir shoot can help you reconnect with that person. It’s all about seeing yourself from someone else’s lens.

🍾 To celebrate something (anything!)
The best birthday gift for yourself! Anniversary coming up, weight loss, got away from a toxic relationship or just scored a well-deserved promotion? You’ve survived whatever struggle or loss life threw at you, and you’re a stronger person for it. Be proud of YOU! Celebrate YOU!

🍾 For your 20s…or 30s..or 40s…
Every decade of life offers something new to discover about yourself that you’ll want to remember. You deserve to celebrate it. Don't focus on getting older. If you’re already taking steps to look your best, go ahead and schedule a boudoir shoot for that special occasion.

💾 For the memories.
Why not make some memories that are just for you. .You could look back at these memories and see just how beautiful, confident, and sexy you were at this stage of your life💁♀️ It shows you why you should love your body.
You don't need to look like a magazine centerfold, or a runway model. You are beautiful just the way you are right now. Simply because you are you.🎁 It’s the most personal, intimate gift you can give yourself or your partner, who loves you exactly the way you are.
Just take a moment and imagine the look on your S.O.’s face when they open a photo album to this sensual surprise: The woman they love in some luxe lingerie posing like a professional model. A boudoir shoot won’t fix your marriage or relationship, but it will add flavor if that’s what you’re missing.

🎥 Modeling is fun!
EVERYONE before shoot is nervous! Guess what? If you are not a professional model, why on earth would you be comfortable in front of the camera? It's my job to guide you through posing! The right photographer will make you feel comfortable throughout the shoot.

Yes take some time out for yourself this is all part of the fun. We all love a reason to go shopping, and a boudoir photo shoot gives you that. I will help you create your own private and secure Pinterest board. Go and buy that gorgeous lingerie that you have been dreaming about. Remember you can wear whatever makes you feel confident and sexy.

👑 Because you are enough.
Simple. I've heard every reason why a woman shouldn't be photographed. She's not thin/curvy/young/pretty/flawless/confident/ enough to be photographed. If you think you are not _____ enough, you simply believe you are not enough. But the thing is, you are! You, sitting right there reading this. You are enough. You are enough right now.

🌼 You’ve never done it before.